Opening saved and shared list window tabs

If you saved a tab or another user shared a tab with you, you can open it to apply the column layout, sorting, and filter to the list window.

You can only open a tab in the list it was created for. For example, you cannot open a Requirements list window tab in the Issues list window.

Note:  Views configured in Helix ALM 2017.1 and TestTrack 2016.1 and earlier are now saved tabs. They are available in the Tabs > Open Saved Tabs menu and the Saved Tabs dialog box. Views now refer to configurable layouts applied to open requirement documents. See Using requirement document views.

1. Choose Tabs > Open Saved Tab or Open Shared Tab and select the tab to open.

The tab opens. If it uses a filter with interactive restrictions, you are prompted to enter or select filter criteria. See Selecting interactive filter criteria.

Note:  If you make changes to the columns, sorting, or filter in a saved tab you own, you can update it to save the changes. See Updating saved list window tabs.