Editing Microsoft Word export templates

Edit Word export template settings to change the name, description, and other information. You can also download the template to get a local copy, upload a new version of the template, and preview how the resulting document looks when using the template.

1. Choose File > Export > Configure Word Export Templates. You can also click Configure Templates in the Export to Microsoft Word dialog box.

The Configure Word Export Templates dialog box opens.

2. Select the template and click Edit.

3. Make any changes.

  • If you are modifying the template, click Download to download a copy to make changes in. This helps ensure you have the most recent copy of the template and do not overwrite changes that other users made to it.
  • When you finish making template changes, click Upload and select the updated file to replace the old version. See Adding Microsoft Word export templates to Helix ALM for information about uploading templates.
  • Click Preview to preview an export using the template. See Previewing Microsoft Word exports.

4. Click Save to save the changes.