Downloading reports as Microsoft Excel files

You can download distribution, list, matrix, time tracking, and trend reports as Microsoft Excel files. The Excel file contains information from the report in plain text. You can include text and background colors in matrix reports. Images, links, and other non-text based elements are not included.


Microsoft Excel has a character limit of 32,767 in a single cell. Helix ALM truncates text to fit within this cell limit.

1. Run the report in HTML format. See Running reports.

Note:  If the Records per printed page field has a value in the report configuration, you cannot download the Excel file.

2. If you are working with a matrix report, select Show field value styles to include text and background colors from the report in the Excel file.

You will only see colors if an Apply style from field option is selected in the report settings. See Adding matrix reports.

3. Click Download Excel File in the report.

The file is downloaded to the default location set in the browser.