Clearing suspect items

After you make changes to a suspect item or determine that changes are not needed, you can clear the suspect flag from the item.

Suspect items are automatically cleared if:

  • A requirement marked as suspect based on a parent/child relationship in a requirement document is moved in the document.
  • An item used as the source to mark all dependent items as suspect is removed from a link.
  • A user with security permissions to edit links, but not clear suspects, removes an item from a link that is causing other items to be marked as suspect.

1. Click the Links tab when you are viewing or editing an item.

Note:  Requirement links are displayed on the Traceability tab.

2. Select an item marked as suspect in the Link Details area and click Clear Suspect.

Note:  You can also clear suspects in the Investigate Suspect Dependencies dialog box. See Investigating suspect dependencies.

The item is no longer marked as suspect.