Promoting users and customers

You can promote local users and customers to the Helix ALM License Server, which makes them available to all projects and other Helix ALM products. The information in the record is also copied to the license server. You can create a new global user or customer record or select an existing user or customer to use the information stored on the license server.

1. To promote a local user, select the user in the Users list window.

To promote a local customer, select the customer in the Customers list window.

2. Click Promote.

The Promote to Global dialog box opens.

3. Select a Promote As option.

If the local user or customer's first and last name matches an existing global user or customer, the name is selected in the Promote As field. You can also promote the local user or customer as a new global user or customer.

For example, a global user named Joseph User is created. A local user named Joe User is also created. These are the same user with a different first name. Joe User can be promoted as Joseph User. The local user information is discarded and replaced with the global user information.

4. If you are promoting as a new user or customer, enter Username and Password for the user or customer.

5. Click OK.

The user or customer is promoted.