Prioritizing field layouts

Each field layout is assigned to at least one security group. Users can be in multiple security groups, so it is possible that multiple layouts are available. You can prioritize which layout should be used for users in multiple security groups.

To prioritize layouts:

  • There must be at least two layouts configured for the item type other than the <Default> layout.

  • For requirement types, at least one requirement type must have two layouts assigned to specific security groups.

For an example of how prioritizing layouts works, see Prioritization example.

1.Choose Tools > Administration > Field Layouts.

The Field Layouts dialog box opens.

2. Select an Item type.

3. Select a layout and click to move it to the top, up one position, down one position, or to the bottom of the list. Layouts at the top of the list have highest priority and layouts at the bottom of the list have lowest priority.

The <Default> layout always has lowest priority and cannot be moved. For requirements layouts, the layout assigned to <All Security Groups> always has lowest priority within each requirement type. You can only prioritize within the requirement type group.

Prioritization example

Your project has the following security groups:

  • Managers

  • Team Members

  • Interns

You have field layouts configured for issues that are prioritized in the following order:

  • Management - assigned to the Managers security group

  • Team - assigned to the Team Members security group

  • <Default> - default layout

Jane Analyst is in the Managers and Team Members security groups. When she views an issue, she sees the Management field layout because it has the highest priority of layouts available to her.

Sarah Designer is in the Interns security group. When she views an issue, she see the <Default> layout because no layout was assigned to the Interns security group.