Customizing the Specification Document window

You can customize the Specification Document window to change how information is displayed.

Tip:  You can also work with columns in the Specification Document window in the same way as list windows. See Changing list window columns and fonts. If you frequently customize the Specification Document window, you can save views to use the same column and filter configuration again later. See Using requirement document views.

Hiding the document test coverage statistics bar

  • To hide the document test coverage bar, right-click the Specification Document toolbar and choose Document Test Coverage.
  • To show the document test coverage bar, right-click the Specification Document toolbar and choose Document Test Coverage. A check mark indicates that the document test coverage bar is visible.

Hiding the formatting toolbar

  • To hide the toolbar, right-click the Specification Document toolbar and choose Hide Formatting Toolbar.
  • To show the toolbar, right-click the Specification Document window toolbar and choose Show Formatting Toolbar.

Displaying numeric column totals

You can insert column footers to display the total value of numeric columns. This is useful for viewing time tracking information, such as estimated and actual hours, and other numeric field data.

  • To show the totals, right-click the Specification Document toolbar and choose Numeric Column Totals. A column footer row is added to all Specification Document windows and shows totals for visible numeric columns.

Note:  If a requirement is shared multiple times in the document, a column total only includes one instance of the numeric field.

  • To hide totals, right-click the Specification Document window toolbar and choose Numeric Column Totals.

Hiding requirement summaries

You can display only the requirement outline number and tag in the requirement tree.

  • To hide the number, tag, and summary, right-click the Specification Document toolbar and choose Hide Requirement Summary in Tree.
  • To display the number, tag, and summary, right-click the toolbar and choose Show Requirement Summary in Tree.

Adjusting document width

You can adjust the width of the Specification Document window to display more or less text on each line.

1. Click the Set Specification Document Width button on the formatting toolbar. You can also right-click the Specification Document window toolbar and choose Set Specification Document Width.

The Set Specification Document Width dialog box opens.

2. Select a width option.

  • Use default document width uses the default width set in local options. Click Set default width to change the defaults. See Setting formatting options.
  • Set document width to set a specific width for the open document. Enter the Page width to display text in before it wraps to the next line. Enter the Left margin to indent text relative to the first column in the detail area.

3. Click OK to save the changes.

Hiding field labels

You can hide multi-line text field labels to reduce the amount information displayed in the details area.

  • To hide field labels, right-click the Specification Document window toolbar and choose Hide Multi-Line Field Labels.
  • To show field labels, right-click the toolbar and choose Show Multi-Line Field Labels.