Editing items inline in list windows

You can edit item fields directly in list windows to make changes without opening the Edit dialog box. Inline editing is available in the Issues, Requirements, Requirement Documents, Test Cases, Manual Test Runs, and Folders list windows.

Note:  You cannot edit the following fields inline: system fields, calculated fields, workflow event fields, issue reported by fields, multi-line text fields, and other fields that cannot be edited in the item Edit dialog box.

1. Select an item in a list window and choose Edit > Edit Inline.

The item opens in edit mode.

Note:  You can also double-click items to edit them in list windows when inline editing is enabled. Click the Toggle Inline Editing button to enable inline editing. Click the button again to disable inline editing.

2. Make any changes.

3. Press Enter to save the changes.

You can also click the Save Inline Edits button and then select Save to save the changes. Select Cancel to discard the changes.

Note:  You may be prompted to enter an electronic signature and change reason when saving items. See Entering electronic signatures.