Charting report data

You can add charts to distribution and trend reports. The available charts include pie, 3D pie, column, 3D column, area, 3D area, line, and 3D line.

Note:  You can also include interactive charts in release planning, release status, and time tracking reports. The chart settings for these reports can only be customized in the stylesheet, not the report settings.

1. Click the Charting tab when you are creating or editing a distribution or trend report. See Adding distribution reports or Adding trend reports.

2. Click New Chart.

3. Select the chart Type and enter the Chart Title. You can enter up to 255 characters for the title.

4. Select the Data to Chart.

5. Select or enter any additional chart options.

Note:  To add another chart to the report, click New Chart. To reorder multiple charts on a report, select a chart and click Move Up or Move Down. Select a chart and click Delete Chart to delete it.

6. Click Add or OK to save the changes.

Bar, area, and line chart fields

Field Description
Size Chart title size
Color Chart title font color
Height Chart height
Width Chart width
Background Color Chart background color
X Axis Title X (horizontal) axis title. You can enter up to 32 characters.
Y Axis Title Y (vertical) axis title. You can enter up to 32 characters.
Size X and Y axis title size
Color X and Y axis title font colors
Show Labels Displays chart component labels
X Axis Size X axis label size
Y Axis Size Y axis label size
Spacing Amount of space (pixels) between labels
Color X and Y axis label color
Density Density percentage. 80% displays all labels, 40% displays half, etc.
Show Grid Displays the chart grid pattern
Show X Axis Displays the X axis on the chart
Show Y Axis Displays the Y axis on the chart
Color Grid line color

Pie charts

Field Description
Size Chart title size
Color Chart title font color
Height Chart height
Width Chart width
Background Color Chart background color
Show Labels Displays chart data labels
Show Percents Displays chart data in percents
Label Size Chart label size
Color Label font color
Label Position Spacing of chart labels

Note:  Pie charts are scaled based on a number of factors, including image size, label size, and number of labels. You may need to change the image height and width dimensions for the pie chart to display correctly.