Trigger examples

Following are examples of common actions you can automate with triggers:

Automatically assign items based on workflow state

You want all issues in the Fixed state to be assigned to a specific tester for verification. You can configure a trigger that assigns Fixed issues to the appropriate tester.

Automatically assign items based on a field value

You want new manual test runs for a specific product on the Mac platform to be assigned to a specific tester to run. You can create a filter that returns manual test runswith the product selected in the Product field and Mac in the Operating System field. You can then create a trigger based on the filter that assigns the new manual test runs to the tester.

Prevent users from saving an item without file attachments

You want users to attach a screenshot when they add cosmetic issues. You can create a filter that returns issues with Cosmetic selected in the Type field that do not have attachments. You can then create a trigger based on the filter that prevents users from saving issues and display a message to explain that a screenshot must be attached to the issue.

Prepend an item summary with information based on a field selection

You want to add a value to the beginning of each test case summary that identifies the functional area the test case applies to. You can create filters for each value in the Component field. You can then create triggers based on the filters that prepend the functional area in the Summary field value when test cases are created.

Send item information to an external reporting system

You want to send issue information to an external reporting system after issues about a specific product are added to the project. You can create a filter that returns issues with the product selected in the Product field. You can then create a trigger based on the filter to run a script that sends the information to the reporting system after issues are saved.

Add issues to a release or iteration folder

You want to add issues that need to be addressed for a specific release or iteration to a folder. You can create a filter that returns issues with a specific value selected in a release or iteration custom field. You can then create a trigger based on the filter to add issues to a folder after they are saved.

Create a requirement document snapshot when a document is approved

You want to create a snapshot when it is approved to capture a version of the document for historical purposes. You can configure a trigger to create the snapshot when the document moves to the Approved workflow state.