Users security commands

The following commands control access to the options available from the Users list window.

Keep in mind that the navigation for accessing commands in the Helix ALM web client is different than the desktop client, but command security enabled in the desktop client applies to the same commands in the web client.

Command Provides access to: More information
Add Users Create > User  
View Users Edit > View when a user is selected  
Edit Users Edit > Edit when a user is selected

Edit button in the View User window
Allows users to edit user information for every Helix ALM user. The Edit Own General User Options and Edit Own Email Notifications commands allows users to set their own options only.
Delete Users Edit > Delete when a user is selected  
Duplicate Users Edit > Duplicate when a user is selected  
View User Login Info Username, Password, and Confirm Password fields on the Info tab in the Add User, Edit User, Add Customer, and Edit Customer dialog boxes This command affects users and customers.
Edit Security Group Setting Security Group list on the Info tab in the Add User, Edit User, Add Customer, and Edit Customer dialog boxes This command affects users and customers.
Make User a Customer Edit > Change to Customer  
Activate/Inactive User Edit > Activate User

Edit > Inactivate User
View Company Information Company, Department, and Division fields on the Address tab in the Add User, Edit User, View User, Add Customer, Edit Customer, and View Customer dialog boxes

Company, Department, and Division fields in the Advanced Search section of the Find Users dialog box

Company, Department, and Division columns in the Find Users dialog box

Company in the drop-down list in the Add Restriction and Edit Restriction dialog boxes when a user field is selected in the Restrict by list

Ability to view or edit filters with user field restrictions based on Company when clicking the View or Edit buttons in the Add Filter, Edit Filter, and View Filter dialog boxes
This command affects users and customers.
View Security Group Information Security Group field in the Advanced Search area of the Find Users dialog box, and Add User, Edit User, View User, Add Customer, Edit Customer, and View Customer dialog boxes

Security Groups column in the Find Users dialog box and Filters list window

Groups columns in the User list window and Customer list window

Security Groups in the drop-down list in the Add Restriction and Edit Restriction dialog boxes when a user field is selected in the Restrict by list

Ability to view or edit filters with user field restrictions based on Security Groups when clicking the View or Edit buttons in the Add Filter, Edit Filter, and View Filter dialog boxes

Shared with Security Groups option in the Share drop-down list and the corresponding security groups list in the Add Filter and Edit Filter dialog boxes

Security groups list for the selected Shared with Security Groups option in the View Filter dialog box

Security group information in XML exports

Security group information in detail reports based on users
Creating filters requires the Add Filter command in the Filters category.

Sharing private filters with security groups requires the Edit Private Filters and Mark Own Filters As Shared commands in the Filters category.

Sharing shared filters with security groups requires the Edit Shared Filters and Mark Shared Filters As Shared commands in the Filters category.

Viewing shared filters requires the View Shared Filters command in the Filters category.