Test cases security commands

The Add Test Cases and Edit Test Cases commands must be enabled to use many of the features controlled by the following commands.

The See Tab commands are only useful if the Add Test Cases, Edit Test Cases, or View Test Cases commands are enabled.

Keep in mind that the navigation for accessing commands in the Helix ALM web client is different than the desktop client, but command security enabled in the desktop client applies to the same commands in the web client.

Command Provides access to: More information
Assign Test Case Numbers Activities > Assign Test Case Numbers Requires the Delete Test Cases and View Test Cases commands.
Renumber Test Cases Activities > Renumber Test Cases  
Add Test Cases Create > Test Case

Generate Test Cases button on the Edit Requirement and View Requirement windows
View Test Cases Edit > View when a test case is selected If the Edit Test Cases command is enabled, users can still view test cases by choosing Edit > Edit. Disable the Edit Test Cases command if you do not want users to view test cases at all.
Edit Test Cases Edit > Edit when a test case is selected

Edit button in the View Test Case window
Delete Test Cases Edit > Delete when a test case is selected  
Duplicate Test Cases Edit > Duplicate when a test case is selected  
Edit Closed Test Cases Edit > Edit when a closed test case is selected

Edit button in the View Test Case window if the test case is closed
Requires the Edit Test Cases command.
Edit Locked Test Cases Edit > Edit when a locked test case is selected

Edit button in the View Test Case window if the test case is locked
Requires the Edit Test Cases command.
Edit Test Cases Assigned to Anyone Edit > Edit when a test case assigned to another user is selected

Edit button in the View Test Case window if the test case is assigned to another user
Requires the Edit Test Cases command.
Edit Own Test Case Historical Actions Edit > Edit Event when the Workflow tab is selected in the Add Test Case or Edit Test Case windows Lets users edit their own workflow events only. Requires the Edit Test Cases command.
Edit Other’s Test Case Historical Actions Edit > Edit Event when the Workflow tab is selected in the Add Test Case or Edit Test Case windows Lets users edit anyone’s workflow events. Requires the Edit Test Cases command.
See Steps Tab Steps tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows  
See Variants Tab Variants tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows  
See Files Tab Files tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows  
See Scripts Tab Scripts tab on the Files tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows  
See Attachments Tab Attachments tab on the Files tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows

New file attachment and Existing file attachment options when clicking the Insert Attachment button on the Steps tab in the Add Test Case and Edit Test Case windows
The New file attachment option is only enabled if the Add Attachments command is also enabled.
See SCC Tab Source Files tab on the Files tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows Lets users view source control actions that have already been performed but not perform source control actions. Enable the Perform SCC Actions command to enable the source control buttons (e.g., Attach File, Get) on the Source Files tab. If a user does not have access to the See SCC Tab or Configure SCC Project Options commands, the Configure Source Control Integration menu option is also disabled because these options do not apply.
See Manual Test Runs Tab Manual Test Runs tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows Requires the View Manual Test Runs command.
See Workflow Tab Workflow tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows

Workflow event information on the Overview tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows
See Email Tab Email tab in the Edit Test Case and View Test Case window

Email on the Overview tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows
See Links Tab Links tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows  
See Folders Tab Folders tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows  
See History Tab History tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows  
Add Test Variant Add Variant button on the Variants tab in the Add Test Case and Edit Test Case windows  
Edit Test Variants Edit Variant button on the Variants tab in the Add Test Case and Edit Test Case windows  
Remove Test Variants Remove Variant button on the Variants tab in the Add Test Case and Edit Test Case windows  
Add Attachments Attach, Paste, and Screen Capture buttons on the Attachments tab in the Add Test Case and Edit Test Case windows

Select Scripts and Paste buttons on the Scripts tab on the Files tab in the Add Test Case and Edit Test Case windows

New file attachment option when clicking the Insert Attachment button on the Steps tab in the Add Test Case and Edit Test Case windows

Screen Capture button on the Steps tab in the Add Test Case and Edit Test Case windows

Paste from Clipboard option on the shortcut menu when right-clicking the Attachments column on the Steps tab in the Add Test Case and Edit Test Case windows
Attaching scripts requires the See Scripts Tab command.
Remove Attachments Remove button on the Attachments tab on the Files tab in the Add Test Case and Edit Test Case windows

Delete Attachment option on the shortcut menu when right-clicking an attachment on the Steps tab in the Add Test Case and Edit Test Case windows
Requires the Edit Test Cases, Edit Test Cases Assigned to Anyone, Edit Own Test Case Historical Actions, or Edit Other's Test Case Historical Actions commands.
View/Extract Attachments View and Extract buttons in the Attachments tab on the Files tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows

View option on the shortcut menu when right-clicking an attachment on the Steps tab in the Add Test Case and Edit Test Case windows
Requires the View Test Cases command.
Run Automated Script Run Script button on the Files tab in the Edit Manual Test Run window  
Bulk Change Test Cases Activities > Bulk Test Case Changes Enable for administrative security groups only. This command gives users the ability to permanently change all test cases in the project.
Override Workflow Activities > Override Workflow  
Perform SCC Actions All buttons (e.g., Attach File, Get) on Source Files tab in the Add Test Case and Edit Test Case windows

New source control attachment option when clicking the Insert Attachment button on the Steps tab in the Add Test Case and Edit Test Case windows
Requires the See SCC Tab command.
Send Tracked Email Send Email button in the Edit Test Case and View Test Case windows  
Reply To Tracked Email Reply To button on the Email tab in the Edit Test Case and View Test Case windows

Reply To button in the View Email dialog box
View Tracked Email View button on the Email tab in the Edit Test Case and View Test Case windows  
Delete Tracked Email Delete button on the Email tab in the Edit Test Case and View Test Case windows  
Mark Linked Items as Suspect Mark Suspect button on the Links tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows  
Clear Suspect Clear Suspect button on the Links tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows

Clear Suspect button in the Investigate Suspect Dependencies window when investigating test case dependencies
Investigate Suspect Dependencies Activities > Investigate Suspect Dependencies

Investigate button on the Links tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows
See Workflow Diagram Tab Diagram tab on the Workflow tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows  
See Entire Workflow from Workflow Diagram Tab Entire workflow option in the Show list on the Diagram tab on the Workflow tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows  
See Jira Issues Tab Jira Issues tab in the Add Test Case, Edit Test Case, and View Test Case windows Only available if Jira integration is enabled for the project.
Perform Jira Actions Activities > Attach Jira Issues

Activities > Create Jira Issue

Attach Jira Issues and Remove buttons on the Jira Issues tab in the Add Test Case and Edit Test Case windows

Create Jira Issue button in the Add Test Case and Edit Test Case windows
Only available if Jira integration is enabled for the project.