Security groups security commands

The following commands control access to the options available from the Security Groups list window.

Note:  Edit Security Groups and See Security Tabs security must be enabled for at least one security group. You cannot remove yourself as a user from a security group with these commands enabled because it could result in no users with permissions to perform administrative tasks.

Keep in mind that the navigation for accessing commands in the Helix ALM web client is different than the desktop client, but command security enabled in the desktop client applies to the same commands in the web client.

Command Provides access to: More information
Add Security Groups Create > Security Group  
View Security Groups Edit > View when a security group is selected  
Edit Security Groups Edit > Edit when a security group is selected

Edit button in the View Security Group window
This command must be enabled for at least one security group in the project.
Delete Security Groups Edit > Delete when a security group is selected  
Duplicate Security Groups Edit > Duplicate when a security group is selected  
See Security Tabs Command Security and Field Security tabs on the Add Security Group and Edit Security Group windows This command must be enabled for at least one security group in the project.