Filters security commands

The following commands control access to the options available from the Filters list window.

Keep in mind that the navigation for accessing commands in the Helix ALM web client is different than the desktop client, but command security enabled in the desktop client applies to the same commands in the web client.

Command Provides access to: More information
Add Filters Create > Filter

Create Filter button in dialog boxes
Mark Own Filters As Shared Options in the Share drop-down list in the Add Filter and Edit Filter dialog boxes when a private filter is selected Allows users to share private filters with other users (everyone, users, customers, or security groups).

Requires the Add Filters, Edit Private Filters, or Edit Shared Filters commands.

Sharing with security groups requires the View Security Group Information command in the Users category.
Mark Shared Filters As Shared Options in the Share drop-down list in the Add Filter and Edit Filter dialog boxes when a shared filter is selected Allows users to share shared filters with other users (everyone, users, customers or security groups).

Requires the Add Filters, Edit Private Filters, or Edit Shared Filters commands.

Sharing with security groups requires the View Security Group Information command in the Users category.
Mark Filter as Published Publish option in the Share drop-down list in the Add Filter and Edit Filter dialog boxes  
View Own Filters Edit > View when a private filter is selected

Private filters in the Filter list in list windows and dialog boxes
View Shared Filters Edit > View when a shared filter is selected

Shared filters in the Filter list in list windows and dialog boxes
Edit Own Filters Edit > Edit when a private filter is selected

Edit button in the View Filter window if the filter is private
Edit Shared Filters Edit > Edit when a shared filter is selected

Edit button in the View Filter window if the filter is shared
Edit Published Filters Edit > Edit when a published filter is selected

Edit button in the View Filter window if the filter is published
Delete Own Filters Edit > Delete when a private filter is selected  
Delete Shared Filters Edit > Delete when a shared filter is selected  
Delete Published Filters Edit > Delete when a published filter is selected  
Duplicate Own Filters Edit > Duplicate when a private filter is selected  
Duplicate Shared Filters Edit > Duplicate when a shared filter is selected  
Duplicate Published Filters Edit > Duplicate when a published filter is selected