Modifying value lists

You can modify values available in list fields to use specific terminology and capture specific information. Helix ALM includes the following default value lists: Type, Priority, Severity, Product, Component, Disposition, Reproduced, Version, Test Item Type, Run Set, and Requirement Importance.

1. Choose Tools > List Values and select a value list.

The Setup List Items dialog box opens.

Note:  The setup dialog box changes based on the field type. For example, if you add an item to a parent field you also need to configure field relationships for the new item.

2. Click Add to create a new list item. See Adding items to value lists.

3. Select a list item and click Edit to change it. See Editing items in value lists.

Note:  To edit version value lists, all other users must be logged out of the project and you must close any Edit or View item dialog boxes you have open.

4. Select a list item and click Top, Move Up, Move Down, or Bottom to change the display order.

List items are displayed in the same order in fields. You may want to move the most frequently used items to the top of the list.

5. Click Sort to sort the items in ascending or descending order.

6. Select a list item and click Delete to delete it. See Deleting items from value lists.

You can only delete list items if all other users are logged out of the project.

7. Click OK to save the changes.