Modifying project configuration report templates

Project configuration reports, which are exported from Helix ALM to Microsoft Word, contain details about a project's configuration. See Exporting project configuration reports. Exported reports use a Word template to specify how the resulting document looks. If you want your reports to use different formatting, organization, or static text, you can modify the Word template.

The template is named ProjectConfigurationReportTemplate.docx and it is located in the templates\ProjectConfigurationReport directory in Helix ALM application directory. Make a backup copy of the template before you make changes. When you finish making changes, save the template as ProjectConfigurationReportTemplate.docx in the templates\ProjectConfigurationReport directory.

Note:  The ProjectConfigurationReport directory also includes a ProjectConfigurationReportTemplate.css file. Do not modify this file because changes may cause issues with exporting the report.

The template includes the following elements.

  • Bookmarks are placeholders for exported project information, which are replaced with the corresponding project data when the report is exported.
  • Styles specify the formatting of text in the report. Styles are automatically applied to exported text and are also applied to static text. You can change the style properties to use a different look to match your organization's standards.
  • Static text is used for the report cover page, introduction information, section headings, section descriptions and other information in the report. You can edit or delete this text, or apply different styles, to customize the report.

Tip:  Export a report using the installed template before you modify the template. With the exported report open side-by-side with the template you are modifying, you can preview and fine tune changes in the exported report and save the changes in the template.