Configuring workflow assignment rules

Assignment rules specify how items in a specific state are handled when they are assigned. By default, any user with sufficient security can add events for items in any state. Configure assignment rules to control when users can enter events, specify how items assigned to multiple users are handled, and change the priority of the resulting states for multi-user assignments.

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Workflow.

The Configure Workflow dialog box opens.

2. Select an Item type.

3. Click the Assignment Rules tab.

4. Select a state to view the assignment rules and resulting state priorities.

5. Select a state and click Edit to change the assignment rules or resulting states priorities.

The Edit Assignment Rules for State dialog box opens.

6. Select Only allow assigned users to enter an event when the item is in the selected state to only allow assigned users to add events in this state.

7. Select a Multi-User Assignment Rules option to specify the resulting state of an item if a conflict occurs. Items may have different resulting states if they are assigned to multiple users at the same time.

  • Use the state entered by the first user to respond adds the event entered by the first user to an item and moves the item to the corresponding state. If the event moves the item to a new state or affects the current assignment, the remaining assignments are removed. If the event leaves the item in the current state or does not affect the assignment, the assignments are not removed and users can enter events. This is the only available option if the Only allow assigned users to enter an event when the item is in the selected state option is not selected.
  • Wait for all assigned users to respond then use the state with the highest priority waits until all users enter an event on an item and then uses the event with the highest priority resulting state, configured in the Resulting State Priorities area, to determine the next state. For example, one user enters a Verify Fixed event resulting in a Closed state and another user enters Verify Failed resulting in an Open state. The item moves to Open because it has the highest priority.
  • Use the state with the highest priority and proceed as soon as an event with the highest priority is entered allows users to enter events on an item until an event with the highest priority resulting state is entered or until all assigned users enter events. If all users enter events, the highest priority resulting state is used. For example, Open is the highest priority resulting state. When an event with Open as the resulting state is entered, the item moves to the Open state and the assignment list is cleared. If all users enter events with Closed as a resulting state, the item moves to the Closed state.

8. In the Resulting State Priorities area, select a state and click Top, Move Up, Move Down, or Bottom to change the priority of the resulting states from highest to lowest priority.

9. Click OK to save the changes.

Note:  When changes are saved, Helix ALM automatically evaluates the workflow to check for potential problems. Take the time to resolve any problems to ensure the workflow is configured correctly. See Resolving workflow problems.