Configuring Helix ALM to send email

Before email can be sent from Helix ALM, an administrative user needs to configure email sending for the server and project.

Perform the following tasks to configure Helix ALM to send email.

1. Configure email sending options on the Helix ALM Server

Enter connection information for the email server and account to use to send email from Helix ALM. See the server admin utility help for information about setting email sending options.

2. Enable email sending options for the project

Enable email sending for the project and specify the email address to send notifications from. Some internet providers do not accept email without a return address. See Setting email project options.

3. Set the Helix ALM Web URL

If you use Helix ALM Web, specify the URL to use in hyperlinks to Helix ALM items in emails. These links let users open the item the notification was sent about in the web client. See Setting hyperlink project options.

4. Create email templates

Email templates include the subject and message in emails sent to users. These templates are used for emails sent via automation rules. Users can also select templates when emailing from Helix ALM.

Helix ALM has standard templates you can customize or you can create your own templates. See Customizing email templates.

5. Verify users have valid email addresses

Make sure users have a valid email address in their user record. They are required to receive emails sent when automation or user notification rules run, and help ensure users receive replies to emails they send from Helix ALM. See Managing user and customer contact information and passwords.

Tip:  You can also configure Helix ALM to track email sent about items. See Configuring Helix ALM to track sent email.