Configuring the dashboard chart widget X-axis

When you create a dashboard chart widget, you need to specify the field used to group data on the horizontal chart axis (X-axis). For example, if you want a chart to show actual versus estimated hours data for all item types, you may choose to display the item types on the X-axis.

1. Click the X-Axis tab when adding or editing a chart widget. See Adding dashboard chart widgets and Editing and deleting dashboard widgets.

2. Enter an X-Axis Title.

Pie charts do not have X-axis titles.

3. Select a Field Type to indicate the type of fields to display in the Fields list. The available field types depend on the item types selected on the Source tab and the chart type.

Field type Displays
All field types All available fields for the selected item types.
Date Date/time fields, such as Created Date, for the selected item types and workflow events related to the items.
List Pop-up menus, such as Version and Product, and other drop-down lists for the selected item types and workflow events related to the items.
User/Customer User and customer fields, such as Assigned To User and Created By User, for the selected item types and workflow events related to the items.
Boolean Check box fields and other Boolean fields, such as Is Marked As Suspect and Issue Has Links, for the selected item types and workflow events related to the items.
State attribute State of the selected item types (Open or Closed).
Numeric Integer and decimal number fields, such as Actual Hours and Percent Done, for the selected item types and workflow events related to the items.
Folder name Folder Name field selected in the Items in folder field on the Source tab.
Item type Item type: Issue, Requirement, Requirement Document, Test Case, or Manual Test Run.

4. Select the field to include on the X-axis from the Fields list. The available fields depend on the selected field type and your security permissions.

If multiple item types are selected on the Source tab, only fields that are common between item types are included in the list. If one item type and the Items in folder option are selected on the Source tab, item-specific fields and common fields between the item type and folder are displayed.

Note:  To search for a field, enter the characters to search for in the Search field. Matching fields are displayed in the list as you type. Enter additional characters to narrow the results.

5. Select the Field Values to include. The available options depend on the selected field.

Note:  If a user or customer field is selected, click Find to search for users or customers to include the chart. See Searching for users and customers in fields.

6. Select Hide empty category items if you do not want to include items without values in the X-axis.

This option is not available for numeric fields.

7. Click Add or OK to save the changes.