Adding webhook headers

Webhook headers typically describe the request (for example, information about the HTTP client or type of data). You can also define custom headers to provide additional information to fit your needs. You can define these headers using a key-value pair.

1. Click Add from the Additional Headers section of the Add Webhook Recipient dialog.

The Add Additional Header dialog box opens.

2. Enter the Key for this header. Keys must be unique and must not match one of the following reserved keys:

  • Content-Type
  • X-HALM-WebHook-Version
  • X-HALM-WebHook-ID
  • X-HALM-WebHook-Timestamp
  • X-HALM-WebHook-Signature-Primary
  • X-HALM-WebHook-Signature-Secondary
  • X-HALM-WebHook-Retry
  • Connection
  • Content-Encoding
  • Content-Language
  • Content-Length
  • Content-Location
  • Content-Range
  • Keep-Alive
  • Transfer-Encoding

3. Enter the Value.

4. Click Save to add the header. An error message appears if the key is not unique or matches a reserved key.