Adding Modify automation rule actions

The Modify automation rule action changes item field values. This action can only modify general and custom field values. It cannot modify detail fields (e.g., Found by, Description) in issue reports, test case and manual test run steps, or requirement types. You can add this action to before save triggers and escalation rules.

1. Select Modify from the Action list in the Add Rule Action dialog box when you are configuring an automation rule.

2. Make any changes. The available options depend on the field type.

  • To set the field to a new value, select Set to value and enter a value.
  • To add text to the beginning of a text field value, select Prepend and enter the text.
  • To add text to the end of a text field value, select Append and enter the text.
  • To replace a text field value, select Replace and enter the text to search for. Enter the replacement text in the With field.

Note:  The Custom Fields tab is displayed if custom fields are configured for the project.

3. Click OK to add the action.