Adding email templates

Add email templates to customize information in emails sent to users when items are added or updated, or when users send email from Helix ALM. For example, you can add a template to use in an automation rule that emails project managers when critical issues are added or a template that includes basic item information that team members can use when emailing others with questions.

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Email Templates.

The Configure Email Templates dialog box opens.

2. Select an Item type.

3. Click Add.

The Add Email Template dialog box opens with the Format tab selected.

4. Enter a Name and Description.

5. Enter a Subject. You can enter text and use field codes in the subject. See Using field codes in email templates.

6. Select Send email in HTML format to send HTML-formatted email.

If you select this option and want to use email notification hyperlinks, see Adding item hyperlinks in email templates.

7. Select a View option. This option is available if you selected the HTML format option.

  • Layout displays the template in rich text format. Use the style and formatting options to change the email format.
  • HTML displays the template in HTML code. You can add HTML tags to change the email format.

8. Enter the Message body.

  • To insert a field code in the message, click Insert Field Code. Enter the first few letters of a field name in the Search field to display matching field codes. Select a code from the list and click OK. See Using field codes in email templates.
  • If the template is in HTML format, you can import a text or HTML file as the message. The imported file replaces any existing text in the Message body field. Click Import, select a file, and click Open. The file contents are added to the message.

Note:  Any field in a template can be viewed by all email recipients, regardless of security settings. Field-level security settings are enforced when users send email. If the email uses a template, fields hidden for the email sender are not displayed.

9. Click the Options tab.

10. Select a Template Access option.

  • All users can view this template does not restrict any users from viewing the template.
  • Only allow users in the following groups to view this template only allows users in the selected security groups view or select the template when they set up notification rules or send email.

Note:  Users can still receive email notifications that use a restricted template. If you restrict template access, make sure that users who can access it understand the type of information it contains and what it is used for. For example, you create a template to notify managers about sensitive information. You also restrict template access to the manager security group to ensure that other employees cannot select it. However, other employees can still receive an email that uses the restricted template.

11. Select a Recipient list for email notifications option. This option only applies to emails sent when automation rules run.

  • Each email has a single recipient (ensures privacy of email addresses) only displays one recipient in the To field. If multiple users are selected as recipients, a separate email is sent to each one.
  • Each email contains multiple recipients (can see who received mail) sends one email to multiple recipients and displays all recipients in the To field.

12. Click OK.

The template is added.