Adding default triggers

You can configure a default trigger to perform actions on items that do not meet all the criteria for other triggers for the same item type. For example, a product is in beta testing and you want to make sure that failed issues get immediate attention. You configured a trigger to automatically assign an issue when it fails verification. If the issue passes the Failed Fix filter, it is assigned to the last user to enter the Fix event. You can configure a default trigger to make sure issue is assigned to another user if it does not pass the Failed Fix filter.

Keep the following in mind:

  • Default triggers run before items are saved in the project database, after all other triggers run.
  • You can only add one default trigger per action that can cause triggers to run, such as when items are created, a workflow event is added to items, and when items enter specific workflow states.
  • You can add the following actions to default triggers: Enter Event, Modify, Prevent, Run Executable, and Create Snapshot (requirement document triggers only).

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Automation Rules.

The Configure Automation Rules dialog box opens.

2. Select an Item type.

3. Click the Triggers tab and then click Add Default.

The Add Default Trigger Rule dialog box opens.

Note:  The rule name is <default> and cannot be changed.

4. Select or enter the rule criteria. See Adding triggers.

  • Select a Precondition filter to only run the default trigger for specific items.
  • Select the Trigger When action that causes the default trigger to run.
  • Select the Actions the default trigger performs.

5. Click OK to add the default trigger.