Adding user notification rules

Email notifications automatically notify you about changes to items in the project. For example, you can be notified when an issue you created moves to a different workflow state.

You can set up your own notifications to receive email about items. Keep in mind that you may also receive system notifications, which the administrator manages.

Tip:  Do not create too many user notifications. You may receive a large number of emails if you create too many notifications or notifications that are not restrictive enough.

1. Choose Tools > User Options then select the Notifications category.

2. Select an item Type. The items change based on the selected type.

3. Click Add to add a rule.

The Add Notification Rule dialog box opens with the Precondition tab selected.

4. Enter a Rule name.

5. Optionally select a Passes filter. You may want to select a filter if the project has a large number of items.

Click Create Filter to create a filter. See Adding filters.

6. Click the Trigger When tab.

7. Select the activity that causes the notification to be sent.

8. Click the Actions tab.

9. Select an email Template.

10. Select Do not send email if I made the change if you do not want to receive an email when you change an item.

11. Select Only send email if item is assigned to me to only receive email when you are the assigned user.

12. Click OK.

The rule is added.