Correcting Microsoft Word export template errors

If you upload a Word export template that contains errors to Helix ALM, you are prompted to correct the errors and upload the template again.

For example, the following types of errors prevent you from uploading a template:

  • Missing characters in tags
  • Missing closing statements in tags (e.g., /foreach, /if)
  • Tags used outside of a foreach loop
  • Invalid field codes
  • Field codes used in an invalid context
  • Tags in invalid locations in tables, headers, and footers
  • Tags used in unsupported Word elements, such as text boxes and content controls

1. Click View Errors when you are prompted to correct errors in the template.

Depending on the browser, the template may be saved in your downloads directory or you may be prompted to save or open it. The default file name is the template file name appended with the current date and time.

2. Open the template in Word.

Error information is displayed in comments.

3. Fix any errors and save the template.

You do not have to delete comments before uploading the template again. Comments are automatically removed when uploading.

4. In the Configure Word Export Templates dialog box, click Upload to upload the corrected template.

5. Repeat the steps until all errors are corrected.