Running multiple automated tests

Note:  The following steps only work if you have a script agent integrated with Helix ALM. See Configuring a script agent for automated testing.

A test run may have more than one automated test attached to it. You can run all tests attached to one or more test runs and automatically attach the results to the corresponding test runs.

Helix ALM can automatically move the test runs to a new status based on the test results. For example, if all tests attached to a test run pass, Helix ALM can automatically enter the Pass event on the test run to change the status to Passed and close the test run.

Note:  You cannot perform other tasks while automated tests run. Only use this method to run tests unattended or in the background.

1. Select the test runs to run automated tests for on the Test Runs list window.

2. Choose Activities > Run Scripts.

The Run Scripts dialog box opens. Tests run in the order displayed in the list.

Tip:  You can also run multiple automated tests attached to a single test run from a test case. Click the Test Runs tab in the Edit Test Case dialog box. Select the test run that contains the automated tests to run and click Run Scripts.

3. Select Add workflow events on script result to automatically enter an event and move the test runs to a new state based on the test result.

Only valid events that do not open an event dialog box are available in the lists. The Do not show the dialog box when entering this event option must be selected for the event. See Adding workflow events.

4. Select Add System Comment event with the following text to add a system comment to the test run.

System comments provide information about actions performed by Helix ALM and are displayed on the test run Workflow tab. The default text includes the logged in user, date, and time. You can change the default text.

5. Select Stop running scripts if an error or script failure occurs to stop all tests from running if an error or failure occurs.

6. Select Lock all test runs immediately to lock the test runs when you click Run to start the tests.

Each test run is automatically locked when the attached tests start running. If another user is editing the test run, the tests cannot run and an error is displayed in the Run Scripts - Results dialog box.

7. Click Run.

A progress indicator opens. Click Stop to stop playback.

Note:  You cannot perform other tasks in Helix ALM while tests are running.

The Run Scripts - Results dialog box opens when the scripts finish running. The results for each test are displayed. If a test attached to a test run fails, the test run result is failed even if other tests pass.

Note:  You can view the results in the related test run. See Viewing automated test results.

8. Optionally select a result from the Filter by list to filter the test runs.

9. Select a test run and click View to view it. See Viewing test runs.

10. Select a test run and click Edit to edit it. See Editing test runs.