Confirming automated tests work

Note:  The following steps only work if you have a script agent integrated with Helix ALM. See Configuring a script agent for automated testing.

You can run an automated test script from a test case to make sure it runs correctly without attaching the results. For example, you may want to run a test to make sure it passes before generating test runs for the test case.

Note:  Running an automated test from a test case does not generate a test run or save any test results.

1. Click the Files tab in the test case that contains the automated test.

2. Click the Scripts tab.

3. Select a file and click Run Script.

You are prompted to confirm that you want to run the test. If run results exist for the test, you are prompted to delete them before the test runs.

4. Click Yes.

The Script File Status dialog box opens. Information about the file and the run status is displayed. See Checking automated test status.

5. Select a test and click View Results to view the results.

Tip:  If the tests are not complete, the status is Undetermined and you cannot view results.

6. Select a test and click Delete to delete the results.

You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

7. Click OK to close the Script File Status dialog box.

Results that you viewed are automatically deleted from the Script File Status dialog box. Results are not saved with test cases.

Note:  You can view results for running automated tests after you close the Script File Status dialog box. See Checking automated test status.