Web User Guide | 2019.2

XML import limitations

Review the following information before importing XML files created from Helix ALM or third-party applications. This can help you understand how Helix ALM formats and validates XML, which can help you prevent errors when copying data between projects.

File format

Refer to the TestTrackData.dtd file in the Helix ALM Server application directory for correct XML file formatting. Helix ALM uses this file to validate data during imports. Do not modify the file because changes may cause validation or other errors that prevent importing data.

Keep the following in mind when working with XML files.

  • Leave field values that are not set or contain all spaces empty. When imported, these fields are set to the default field value configured in the project. If a default value is not configured, <not set> is displayed in imported items.
  • Control characters, such as backspaces and vertical tabs, cannot be imported.
  • Special characters, such as &, <, >, ", and ', cannot be imported. Replace these characters with the following entity references before importing.
Character Replace with:
Ampersand (&) &amp;
Apostrophe (') &apos;
Greater than sign (>) &gt;
Less than sign (<) &lt;
Quotation mark (") &quot;

Custom fields

Custom field values are only imported if a custom field with the same name exists in the project you are importing to.


Workflow events are only imported if events with the same name exist in the project you are importing to. The read-only Status and Assigned to field values in items are set based on the workflow configured in project you are importing to.


  • File attachments and images in multi-line text fields can only be imported from ZIP files using the same structure they were exported in.
  • Hyperlinks for files or changelists attached to items from external source control providers can only be imported to projects with the same provider configuration.
  • Attached Jira issues cannot be imported.


Links can only be imported if the link definition exists in the project you are importing to. At least two items in the link must be included in the XML file.

Folder information

Items are only added to folders if a folder with the same name and path exists in the project you are importing to.


Values displayed on the History tab in items are automatically generated by Helix ALM, such as the creation method and date last modified. These values are not imported. Imported items use the following values.

Field Value
Created by <Name of the user who performed the import>
Modified by
Date created <Current date/time>
Date last modified
Creation method XML file import

User information

  • When importing Helix ALM user records, usernames are in plain text and passwords are encrypted. If a file from a third-party application is imported, usernames and passwords are imported as plain text.
  • When importing user field values in items, Helix ALM tries to match the full name, including the middle initial, with an existing user or customer. If a match is not found, a local customer is created. If multiple users with the same name are found, Helix ALM tries to match the user by email address, phone number, company, division, and department. If Helix ALM cannot distinguish between users, the user with the lowest record ID in the project database is used.
  • Imported user and customer records are always added as new users and customers in the project. This could result in duplicate users and customers with the same name. After importing, check the project and delete any unneeded duplicate records.

Security groups

Security groups cannot be imported.