Web User Guide | 2019.2

Viewing item workflow history diagrams

Workflow diagrams display the path an item has taken through the workflow. The diagram includes the states the item was previously in, current state, events used to move the item to each state, and next available states and events.

1. Click the Workflow tab and click Diagram when you are viewing or editing an item.

The workflow diagram is displayed.

2. Select a Show option to indicate the diagram type to display.

  • Visited states displays the current state, states the item was previously in, events used to move the item to each state, and the next potential states and events for the item. If the item was in a state more than once, the state is only displayed once. If the same event was entered more than once, the number of times the event was entered is displayed next to the event.
  • Visited states (timeline) displays the same information as the Visited states diagram except states and events are displayed on a continuous line. If the item was in a state more than once, each instance of the state and event is displayed.
  • Entire workflow displays the current and previous states for the item in context of the entire workflow configured for the item type. For example, if you are viewing the diagram for an issue, the workflow configured for issues is displayed.

3. Mouse over an event to view when it was entered and who entered it. Click Events to view additional event details. Events are displayed in blue text. See Viewing workflow event details.

4. Click Download to download the diagram as a SVG file. You can open the downloaded diagram in a web browser. Use the browser printing options to print it.