Web User Guide | 2019.2

Regenerating test runs

If you need to rerun a failed or unclear test run, you can regenerate it instead of changing the results. Regenerated test runs include the same test variants, folders, and test run sets as the original test runs. Actual results, step results (e.g., Pass, Fail, Undetermined), and step notes are not copied from existing test runs.

For example, your business rules state that a product with failed test runs cannot be released. After the issue that caused a test run to fail is fixed, you can regenerate the related test run and use it to verify the fix and enter the results. This allows you to maintain an accurate history of test run failures.

1. In the Test Runs list, select the test runs to regenerate, click Actions, and choose Regenerate Test Runs.

The Regenerate Test Runs dialog box opens.

2. Select Update the test runs with information from the parent test case to copy the information from the related test cases.

The regenerated test runs will include any updates made to the related test case since the original test runs were generated. If this option is not selected, the updated test case information is not used and the original test run information is copied to the regenerated test run.

3. Select Add event to the original test runs to add the selected workflow event to the original test runs.

The list includes valid events for all selected test runs with no more than one resulting state. This option can help you differentiate regenerated failed or unclear test runs from test runs that have not been regenerated. For example, the default test runs workflow includes an Ignore Result event with a closed resulting state named Closed (Ignored). Select this option to add the event to the original failed test runs and move them to the Closed (Ignored) state. These test runs are excluded when you view failed test runs in filters, reports, and other areas.

Note:  Test run compliance rules may prevent adding the event to the original test run and regenerating the test runs. For example, if all steps in the original test run do not have a Pass result, compliance rules may prevent you from adding the Pass event to the original test run. An error is displayed if test runs cannot be regenerated.

4. Select Link the regenerated test runs with the original test runs to link the new test runs with the original test runs.

  • Select a Definition to specify the relationship between the test runs. The list includes all peer link definitions allowed for test runs.
  • Enter a Comment to display on the test run Traceability tab.

5. Click Regenerate Test Runs.

The test runs are regenerated.

Note:  If test runs cannot be regenerated, an error dialog box opens. You may need to modify the original test cases the test runs were generated from to fix any errors. See Resolving test run generation errors.