Web User Guide | 2019.2

Default test cases workflow

The test cases workflow defines the path a test case takes from the time it is created until it is ready for test runs to be generated. Test cases are assigned to users who enter conditions, steps, and expected results for testing. When the work is complete, the user enters an event to move the test case to the next state in the workflow. The test case Status field indicates the current state and assignment.

You can use the default test cases workflow out of the box or customize it to support your process. The default workflow includes the following events.

Event Use to:
Assign Assign test cases to users. For example, you need to assign a test case that needs changes to a tester.
Estimate Estimate the time needed to complete work on test cases. Typically, a project manager or team lead enters the estimated effort before assigning test cases. After the estimate is entered, you can track the time it should take to complete a task.
Enter Work Enter work you complete on test cases to keep others informed about your progress.
Ready Mark test cases as ready to indicate they are complete and test runs can be generated.
Ready for Review Submit test cases for review.
Reviewed Indicate test cases are ready for test runs to be generated or need changes after review.
Needs Change Request changes after you review a test case.
Hold Place test cases on hold so additional work can be completed before test runs are generated.
Resume Resume on hold test cases.
Obsolete Close obsolete test cases that are no longer needed.
Re-Open Reopen closed test cases if you need to use them again.
Comment Add comments to test cases to clarify information or add notes for other users.

Note:  To add workflow events to test cases, choose an option from the Workflow menu or click the event on the workflow bar. See Adding workflow events to items.