Web User Guide | 2019.2

Retrieving global users and customers

Global users and customers can be retrieved from the Helix ALM License Server and given access to Helix ALM.

1. To retrieve a global user, click Retrieve Global Users in the Users list.

To retrieve a global customer, click Retrieve Global Customers in the Customers list.

The Retrieve Global dialog box opens.

2. Enter a value to search for in the Search field. The search is not case sensitive.

The following user or customer record fields are searched: Last name, First name, Middle initial, Company, Division, Department, and Address.

3. Expand the Advanced options to search for values in specific fields.

Note:  If the Search field contains a value, it is used in combination with the advanced search criteria when the search is performed.

4. Click Search.

The search results are displayed. Click Clear to clear the search criteria and results.

5. Select the users or customers to retrieve in the search results and click Add.

To remove selected users or customers, select them and click Remove.

6. Click Retrieve to add the users or customers to the project.

After global users and customers are retrieved, they must have a license assigned and be added to a security group before they can access Helix ALM. You can only assign licenses to active users and customers. See Editing users and customers.