Report types
Helix ALM includes the following reports.
Report type |
Displays: |
Detail |
Detailed information about individual issues, requirements, requirement documents, test cases, test runs, folders, customers, users, security groups, or test configurations in a project. |
Distribution |
Allocation of issues, requirements, requirement documents, test cases, or test runs in a project. View the count of currently assigned issues by product, status by priority, severity by version, and more. A chart to display data as a count or percentage may also be included. |
List |
Selected fields from issues, requirements, requirement documents, test cases, test runs, folders, customers, users, security groups, or test configurations in rows and columns. A chart to display data as a count or totals may also be included. |
Matrix |
Information about linked and related items in a configurable table format. |
Release Planning |
Detailed information for planning a project, release, or iteration. |
Release Status |
Detailed information for tracking and communicating the status or progress of a project, release, or iteration. |
Time Tracking |
Information that helps with tracking and communicating actual work performed on items. |
Traceability |
Detailed information for performing coverage analysis and viewing relationships between requirements and related items in a project. |
Trend |
Issue, requirement, requirement document, test case, or test run workflow events entered over time. Use to determine the efficiency of a project. A chart to display items in a timeline may also be included. |