Web User Guide | 2019.2

Default requirement types

Every requirement has an assigned type, which helps you identify its purpose and manage groups of requirements. Each requirement has a unique tag that includes a number and an identifier to help you distinguish between different types.

Following are the default requirement types. Your team may use different types.

Requirement type Tag identifier Description
Business requirement BR- Overall business needs that must be fulfilled. These requirements focus on organizational goals, business rules, and processes that must be supported and are typically provided by project stakeholders, business users, or customers.
Functional requirement FR- What the product or service you are developing must do. For example, in software development projects, functional requirements describe the specific behavior and functions of the software. Functional requirements generally support any defined business requirements.
Non-functional requirement NFR- Attributes or qualities of the product or service you are developing and any constraints that must be considered. These requirements may expand on functional requirements to explain the qualities the defined functionality must have. For example, non-functional requirements may focus on qualities such as usability, performance, reliability, and security.