Web User Guide | 2019.2

Moving Items Through the Workflow

Helix ALM workflows define the path that issues, requirements, requirement documents, test cases, and test runs take from the time they are created until they are completed and closed.

As team members work on items, they add workflow events to move items through the workflow and describe the work you completed, work that another team member should complete, or additional information about the item.

For example, you can enter an Assign event to assign an item to another user who is responsible for working on it. See Assigning items. When work is complete, the assigned user adds the appropriate event to record their work and the item moves to the next step, or state, in the workflow. See Adding workflow events to items.

Information about an item's current state and assignment information is displayed in the item Status field.

All event information is saved with items. To view the workflow history, open an item and click the Workflow tab. You can view the events performed on items, diagram the workflow history to see where the item currently is in the workflow and work still needed to complete it, and view estimated, actual, and remaining work for the item if time tracking is used in the project. See Viewing workflow event history.

Note:  The administrator configures the workflow, which includes events, states, and transitions that keep items moving through your process.

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