Web User Guide | 2019.2

Adding API keys

Add an API key to use authenticate a specific user more securely with the Helix ALM REST API instead of using a username and password. When you add a key, a key ID and key secret are automatically generated. You use the key ID and secret in the Authentication header in the REST API. See Authorization in the REST API help.

You can add more than one API key for a specific user.

1.Click your username at the top of the page and choose Manage API Keys.

The Manage API Keys dialog box opens.

2. Click Add.

The Add API Key dialog box opens. The API key and API key secret fields are automatically populated.

3. Enter a Name to identify the key. You can enter up to 255 characters.

4. Enter a Description to explain the purpose of the key. You can enter up to 1000 characters.

5. Select the key Owner. This is the user you are adding the key for so it can be used in the REST API to authenticate.

If the Owner field is not available, you can only add API keys for yourself. This field is not available if you do not have the required permissions on the Helix ALM License Server or if you opened the Manage API Keys dialog box when editing or viewing a specific user.

6. Click Copy to copy the ID and key.

7. Paste and save the key ID and secret in a secure location. You cannot view the key again after you close the dialog box.

8. Click Add.

The key is added.