Web User Guide | 2019.2

Starting the Helix ALM Server

An administrative user must make sure the Helix ALM Server is running before users can access Helix ALM.

Tip:  If users cannot connect to the Helix ALM Server when it is running, an administrative user needs to make sure the server computer is online and the Helix ALM License Server is also running. Users should make sure the IP address and port number are correct in the server connection information.


If the Helix ALM Server is installed as a service, it starts automatically. If the server is installed as an application, you must start it manually. Choose All Programs > Perforce > Helix ALM > Helix ALM Server from the Start menu.

Note:  If the server is installed as a service but not running or you need to restart it, see the Windows documentation for information about starting a service.


Enter /usr/bin/ttstudio start.

If you need to restart the server, enter /usr/bin/ttstudio stop and then restart the server.