REST API Guide | 2019.2

API versions and compatibility with Helix ALM versions

The REST API is versioned separately from Helix ALM releases. The API is not backward compatible with older Helix ALM versions that do not support it.

The following Helix ALM Server versions are compatible with the specified REST API versions.

Helix ALM Server version Compatible REST API version
2018.1 - 2019.2 v0
2017.2.0 - 2017.3.0 v0 (technical preview)

Getting version information

You can get version information about the REST API Server, Helix ALM Server, and the communications library used to connect to the Helix ALM Server, which can help when troubleshooting issues.

To get version information, use the GET /versions endpoint. You can also get the information directly using a web browser. For example, https://localhost:8443/helix-alm/api/v0/versions.

The versions of each module and any error information is returned.

  • If <unknown> is returned for the comms library version, it indicates 2019.1.0 or earlier version is installed.
  • If <unknown> is returned for the Helix ALM Server version, it indicates the REST API cannot connect to the Helix ALM Server.