REST API Guide | 2019.2

Rate limits

There are limits on the number of requests that the REST API Server allows per Helix ALM project and IP address. Each response includes headers with the rate limit information for the IP address. The limit can be configured from 30 to 240 requests per minute.

If the rate limit is exceeded, the REST API Server returns a 429 - Too Many Requests status code in every request. It includes an x-ratelimit-reset header with the date/time that the rate limit will reset and a RetryAfter header with the number of seconds to delay before trying again.

Note:  There is an overall limit to how fast the REST API can process requests beyond the per project and IP address rate limit. This limit is in place to help ensure the REST API does not overload the Helix ALM Server with a sudden burst of activity. This overall limit is 15 requests per second and cannot be changed. If this limit is exceeded, the REST API returns a '503 - Service Unavailable' error until it is ready to receive more requests.


X-RateLimit-Limit → 30
X-RateLimit-Remaining → 25
X-RateLimit-Reset → 17
Value Description
X-RateLimit-Limit Current number of requests allowed per 60 seconds. Can set to 30 - 240 requests.
X-RateLimit-Remaining Number of requests allowed from current IP address before requests are rejected.
X-RateLimit-Reset Number of seconds before the limit resets.