User Guide | 2019.2
Release planning report stylesheets
The following stylesheets are used to create release planning reports.
Report name | Stylesheet name | Includes: |
Release Plan | ReleasePlanningReport.xslt | Release planning folders and items in the folders. Displays the item number, summary, status, total number of man hours calculated for the release folder, estimated hours for each item and all items, target story points for the release folder, and actual story points entered for each item. A chart displays the number of man hours for the release versus the estimated effort, the number of story points for the release, or the number of items included in the release folder. |
Resource Allocation | ResourceAllocationReport.xslt | Release planning folders and the items in the folders grouped by the assigned to user. Displays the item number, summary, status, story points entered for each item and totals for each user, man hours calculated for the release folder and each user, and estimated hours for each item and each user. A chart displays the number of estimated hours by user, the number of story points by user, or the number of assigned items by user. |