Mapping Hansoft users to Jira users

Note:  This guide explains how to integrate Hansoft with Jira Server. Atlassian is deprecating Jira Server, which means that the Jira Server integration will reach end-of-life soon. If you use Jira Cloud or Data Center, see the Jira integration guide.

The integration automatically matches Jira users to the corresponding Hansoft users based on username and email address. This helps ensure that user-related information such as reported, assignee, comment, and more are synced correctly.

You can review the matches and make changes if needed.

Note:  Before you can map users, make sure the Hansoft user is in the user group created for the Jira integration. This is the group set in the Jira group used for user synchronization field in the Jira settings category in the Project Integration Settings dialog box (e.g., hansoft-plugin-users).

1. In Hansoft, click Admin and then click Users.

2. Select a user and click Edit.

The Edit user dialog box opens.

3. Select the Jira category. This category is only available after the integration is installed.

4. Select Enable Jira on user to allow mapping between the Hansoft and Jira users.

5. Select a mapping for each Jira server.

6. Click OK to save the changes.