Default project columns

The following columns are available in all projects by default. All project members can access default columns.

In addition to the standard columns, main managers can also create custom columns. Refer to Adding custom project columns for more information.
Column name Type Description Activated by default?
Assigned to/Assign tag People Used to assign items to users in the schedule and backlog. Yes
Board Column Drop list multiple choices Column that the item is in on the sprint board. No
Board Lane Text Lane that the item is in on the sprint board. No
Category Drop list single choice Example of how a single choice drop list can be used to tag items to a specific feature area or defect type. Values: Requirement, Enhancements, Technology upgrade, Bug (A), Bug (B), Bug (C), Bug (D). No
Committed to   On committed items, sprint the item is committed to.  
Confidence Drop list single choice Standard confidence drop list. Often used to signify confidence in estimation and/or amount of unknowns contained within the item. Values: High confidence, Medium confidence, Low confidence. No
Database ID Number Unique ID for the item in the entire database. No
Duration   Duration of a scheduled task or sprint in days. Gantt mode only.  
Estimated days Number with decimals Team estimate of the item size in ideal working days. No
Finish   Visible in the Gantt mode only. Shows the end date of a scheduled task or sprint, or the set date for a release or milestone item.  
Hyperlink Text Text field with hyperlink functionality. Often used to link to information outside of Helix Plan. No
ID Number Item ID only unique within the project.  
Last commented on Date Name of the user who last commented on the item. No
Last updated by Drop list single choice Name of the user who last updated (edited) the item. No
Last updated on Date Date and time when the item was last updated. No
Linked to item Text Used to create bidirectional links between items in the same database. No
Originally created by Drop list single choice Name of the user who created the item. No
Originally created on Date Date and time when the item was created. No
Pipeline or Workflow Drop list single choice Name of the pipeline or workflow set on the item. No
Points Number Team estimate of the item size in story points. No
Product backlog priority   Priority column used for backlog items.  
Release tag Drop list multiple choices Shows which releases the item is tagged to. Yes
Risk Drop list single choice Standardised risk drop list. Often used to signify the amount of risk the team is taking on by working on the item. No
Sprint priority Drop list single choice Priority column used for sprint backlog items. Values: Very high priority, High priority, Medium priority, Low priority, Very low priority. Yes
Start   Visible in the Gantt mode only. Shows the start date of a scheduled task or sprint.  
Status   Item status, can be either standard status or workflow status.  
Sub project path Text The hierarchical path to the item. Shown when the hierarchy tree view is not visible (e.g in reports etc.). No
User story Multi-line text Multiline text field used for entering user stories on items. Only visible on items tagged as user stories. Edited in the Activity Details window. Yes
Watch People Users who receive email when an item changes. Email must be configured on the Helix Plan Server and an email address must be set in the user's account to receive emails. No
WBS   Position of the item in the backlog hierarchy.