All columns, types, and operators

You can use the find query language together with all columns, types and operators in Helix Plan.

All columns in Helix Plan have a type associated with it, which defines the type of data the column contains and which operators you can use to search in it. For example, the columns Work remaining and Earned Value have the type Hours, while the Detailed description, Item name and Comments columns are of the Text type.

Keywords and parameters can be explicitly typed. This means that when Helix Plan evaluates the find query it will override the type that would otherwise have been assigned to the keyword or parameter. For example, you might want to explicitly type a keyword to Text, which will avoid it only finding items assigned to a user with the same name you want to search for as text in other fields.

For more information on how to search within specific types of column, see Column types.

You can view the query syntax associated with each column in the report editor.

The following table contains all available columns:

Column name Type Example Finds:
Assign tag Resource Assigntag:Resource(<Resource>) Items where the Assign tag column contains the resource <Resource>
Assigned to Resource Assignedto:Resource(<Resource>) Items where the Assigned to column contains the resource <Resource>
Board column Text BoardColumn:Text(<Name>) Items where the Board Column name contains <Name>
Board lane Text BoardLane:Text(<Name>) Items where the Board Lane name contains <Name>
Budgeted work Hours Budgetedwork= <Hours> Items where the Budgeted work column contains the value <Hours>

Only available in Task scheduling projects.
Bug priority Number Bugpriority= <Number> or <Priority> Bugs where the Bug status column contains the bug priority <Bug status>
Category Backlog category Category= <Backlog category> Items where the Category column contains the category <Backlog category>
Color Text Color=<Color> Items where the Color column contains the color <Color>
Comments Text Comments:Text(<Text>) Items that contain <Text> in the comment section
Committed to Item Committedto:Item(<Item>) Items where the Committed to column contains <Item>
Confidence Confidence Confidence= <Confidence> Items where the Confidence column contains <Confidence>
Custom column date Time MyColumn= <Time> Items where the MyColumn custom column contains <Time>
Custom column drop list Custom column drop list MyColumn= <CustomColumnDroplist> Items where the MyColumn custom column contains the droplist choice <CustomColumnDroplist>
Custom column Function Number MyColumn:<Number> Items where the MyColumn custom column contains the number <Number>
Custom column hyperlink Text MyColumn:<Text> Items where the MyColumn custom column contains the text <Text>
Custom column multi line text Text MyColumn:<Text> Items where the MyColumn custom column contains the text <Text>
Custom column number Number Mycolumn:<Number> Items where the MyColumn custom column contains the number <Number>
Custom column users Resource MyColumn:<Resource> Items where the MyColumn custom column contains the resource <Resource>
Custom column text Text MyColumn:<Text> Items where the MyColumn custom column contains the text <Text>
Database ID Number DatabaseID= <Number> Items where the MyColumn custom column contains the number <Number>
Description Text Description:Text(<Text>) Bugs where the Description field contains <Text>

Only available in the QA view.
Detailed description Text Detaileddescription:Text(<Text>) Bugs where the Detailed description field contains <Text>

Only available in the QA view.
Duration Days Duration= <Days> Items where the Duration column contains a value equal to <Days>
Earned value Hours Earnedvalue= <Hours> Items where the Earned value column contains <Hours>
Estimated days Days Estimateddays= <Days> Items where the Estimated ideal days column contains a value equal to <Days>
Finish Time Finish= <Time> Items where the Finish column contains the date <Time>

Only available in Task scheduling projects.
General condition - Hidden Boolean GeneralconditionHidden= true Items marked as hidden
General condition - Assigned to me Boolean GeneralconditionAssignedtome= true Items assigned to me
General condition - Deleted Boolean GeneralconditionDeleted= true Items that have been deleted
General condition - Epic Boolean GeneralconditionEpic= true Items that have been flagged as epics
General condition - Has sub items Boolean GeneralconditionHassubitems= true Items that have sub-items (e.g., they are parents)
General condition - Has users Boolean GeneralconditionHasusers= true Items that have users
General condition - In current sprint Boolean GeneralconditionIncurrentsprint= true Items that are in the current sprint
General condition - Not assigned Boolean GeneralconditionNotassigned= true Items that are not assigned
General condition - Ongoing assigned tasks Boolean  GeneralconditionOngoingassignedtasks= true All non-complete assigned tasks where the current date is between the start and end dates of the task/sprint.
General condition - Ongoing work Boolean GeneralconditionOngoingwork= true All non-complete items (sprints, sub projects, tasks) where the current date is between the start and end date of the task/sprint. In the case of releases, returns all non-complete releases occurring on or after the current date.
General condition - Out of office task Boolean GeneralconditionOutofofficetask= true Items set to out of office tasks
General condition - Release overdue Boolean GeneralconditionReleaseoverdue= true Items with overdue release dates
General condition - User story Boolean GeneralconditionUserstory= true Items with an attached user story
Hyperlink Text Hyperlink:Text(<Text>) Items where the Hyperlink column contains the text <Text>
ID Number ID= <Number> Items where the ID column contains a value equal to <Number>

Use the ID column to see the item ID. The item ID follows the order that items are added.
Immediate parent sub projects Item Immediateparentsubproject:Item(<Item>) <Item>s immediate sub-projects
Immediate sub items Item Immediatesubitems:Item(<Item>) Items that have a set of direct sub-items that match the specified set of items
Item name / description Text Itemname:Text(<Text>) Items where the Item name column contains the text <Text>
Item type Item type Itemtype= <Item type> Items of the type <Item type>
Last commented on Time Lastcommentedon= <Time> Items where the Last commented on column contains the date <Time>
Last read comments Time Lastreadcomments= <Time> Items where the last comment was read on the date <Time>
Last updated by Resource  LastUpdatedBy=Resource(<Resource>) Items where the Last updated by column contains the resource <Resource> 
Last updated on Time Lastupdatedon= <Time> Items where the Last updated on column contains the date <Time>
Leaf sub items Item Leafsubitems:Item(<Item>) Items with a set of leaf sub-items recursively (e.g., they do not have any children) that matches the specified set of items
Level Number Level<3
Items in the first three hierarchy levels: 0, 1, 2
Linked to item Item Linkedtoitem:Text(<Item>) Items where the Linked to item column contains the item <Item>
Originally created / reported by Resource Originallycreatedby= Resource(<Resource>) Items where the Originally created by column contains the resource <Resource>
Originally created on Time Originallycreatedon= <Time> Items where the Originally created on column contains the date <Time>
Parent sub projects Item Parentsubprojects:Item(<Item>) Items with a parent set that matches the specified set of items
Pipeline tasks - Can start now Boolean PipelinetasksCanstartnow= true Items with a pipeline that can be initiated

If the entire pipeline has been completed, it will not be returned using this syntax.
Pipeline or Workflow Workflow / pipeline and status PipelineorWorkflow= MyPipeline Items with an attached pipeline or workflow named MyPipeline
Points Points Points= <Points> Items where the Points column contains a value equal to <Points>
Predecessor Item Predecessor= <Item> Items with predecessor items named item <Item>

Only available in Task scheduling projects.
Product backlog priority Number Productbacklogpriority= <Number> OR <Priority> Items where the Product backlog priority column contains a value equal to <Number>/<Priority>
Project Project Project= <Project> All projects named <Project>

Useful when filters items in the Portfolio view.
Release tag Text Releasetag:<Text> Items where the Release tag column contains the item status <Text>
Risk Risk Risk= <Risk> Items where the Risk column contains the risk value <Risk>
Scheduled condition - Completed Boolean ScheduledconditionCompleted= true Scheduled tasks that are currently completed
Scheduled condition - Critical path Boolean ScheduledconditionCriticalpath= true Scheduled tasks that are currently on a critical path
Scheduled condition - In progress Boolean ScheduledconditionInprogress= true Scheduled tasks that are currently in progress
Scheduled condition - Incomplete Boolean ScheduledconditionIncomplete = true Scheduled tasks that are currently incomplete
Scheduled condition - Not started yet Boolean ScheduledconditionNotstartedyet= true Scheduled tasks that have not started yet
Scheduled condition - Overdue Boolean ScheduledconditionOverdue= true Scheduled tasks that are overdue
Severity Number Severity= <Number> OR <Severity> Items where the Severity column contains a value equal to <Number>/<Severity>

Only available in the QA view.
Sprint priority Number Sprintpriority= <Number> OR <Priority> Items where the Sprint priority column contains a value equal to <Number>/<Priority>
Start Time Start= <Time> Items where the Start column contains the date <Time>

Only available in Task scheduling projects.
Status Item status Status= <Item status> Items where the Status column contains the item status <Item status>
Steps to reproduce Text Stepstoreproduce:Text(<Text>) Bugs where the Steps to reproduce field contains the text <Text>

Only available in the QA view.
Sub items Item Subitems:Item(<Item>) Items with a sub item named <Item>
Sub project path Text Subprojectpath:Text(<Text>) Sub project path for items that contain the string <Text> within their name
Successor Item Successor= <Item> Items with successor items named <Item>

Only available in Task scheduling projects.
User name Resource Username:Resource(<Resource>) Items where the User name column contains the resource <Resource>
User story Text Userstory:Text(<Text>) Items where the User story column contains the text <Text>
Watch Resource Watch:Resource(<Resource>) Items where the Watch column contains the resource <Resource>
WBS Text WBS=>"2.1" Items where the WBS column begins with "2.1"
Work remaining Hours Workremaining= <Hours> Items where the Work remaining column contains a value equal to <Hours>
Workflow status set by user Resource (Userthatchangedtoworkflowstatus<ProjectName><WorkflowName><Workflowstatus>:Resource("<Resource>")) Items where a specified user changed to a specified workflow status
Workflow status set on date Time Timewhenworkflowstatus<ProjectName> <WorkflowName><WorkflowStatus>wasset = <Time> Items where a specified workflow status was set on a specified date