Creating a share

To access the shared user’s functionality you must logon to your Helix Plan client as a user with administrative privileges.

This will give you access to the Administration view and the Shares tab where you can find Create share, Delete Share, Edit share.

By selecting “Create share” you will access the create share settings. You have the Setup tab, which is where you specify the name of the share, the address for your server and the port used for the Helix Plan server.

Please ensure that you use a clear and descriptive naming convention for your shares. This is to ensure that they will be as easy to manage as possible.

Also, use the same name for address as you use when connecting to the server while logging on and what says in "Server hostname" which you can find on the right hand side in the Administration view.

You also have 4 grayed out fields; these will hold the information about the server you share users with once the share is set up and active.

You must now generate a ticket and import it on the server that you want to share users to. The instructions of generating and importing the ticket can be found here.

The second tab is the "Shared users" tab. This tab contains the information about, and where you define your shared users and/or groups. A shared project or group will have all users that it includes shared.

The group or project user will not be shared itself, ONLY the users they contain.

To make the management as easy as possible we recommend that you set up groups for the shared users so that an addition of a user or removal of a user can be handled automatically. Without any need to access the shared users interface once the share has been setup.