Uninstalling the Helix Plan Jira integration

You can install the Helix Plan Jira integration if you no longer use it. The steps are different depending on if you have other global services running that use PM2.

If other global services use PM2

If you have other global services running that use PM2, perform the following steps to uninstall the Helix Plan Jira integration.

1. Enter the following commands. Save the output for reference.

pm2 stop hansoft_jira_integration
pm2 delete hansoft_jira_integration
pm2 save -f

2. Back up the JiraIntegrationConfig.json file in case you need it later. The file may be in HansoftJiraIntegration\hansoft\config\JiraIntegrationConfig.json.

3. Delete the integration installation directory.

If you cannot delete the installation directory, it is likely because your global PM2 service definition uses it as its working directory. Before you can delete the directory, edit the service definition XML file to change the path for the workingdirectory key and then restart the PM2 service. The XML file is in the following location for the user who installed the service: %APPDATA%\npm\node_modules\pm2-windows-service\src\daemon\pm2.xml.

If no other global services use Node.js or pm2

If you have no other global services running that use Node.js or PM2, perform the following steps to uninstall the Helix Plan Jira integration.

1. Enter the following commands to uninstall PM2. Save the output for reference.


npm uninstall pm2-windows-service -g

2. Back up the JiraIntegrationConfig.json file in case you need it later. The file may be in HansoftJiraIntegration\hansoft\config\JiraIntegrationConfig.json.

3. Delete the integration installation directory.

4. Uninstall PM2 if no other services require it.

  • Enter the following command: npm uninstall pm2 -g
  • Delete the following directory: c:\pm2

5. Uninstall Node.js if no other services require it. Use the Windows add/remove programs list to uninstall it.