Editing the integration settings file

The integration settings file contains information about the integration. You must change some of the settings for the integration to work correctly, but there are also optional settings you can change. We recommend not changing settings unless you know what they control.

1. Open the JiraIntegrationConfig.json file in the Helix Plan/config directory in the integration installation directory.

If the file does not exist, copy the example integration settings file and paste it to create a new file. Rename the new file to JiraIntegrationConfig.json.

2. Replace the existing values with information about your installation.

3. Save the file.

4. Restart the integration.

Settings file values

Make any changes to the setting file values to provide information about your installation.

Setting Description Example value
hostname IP or DNS name of the Helix Plan server to connect to from Jira. "localhost"
port Port of the Helix Plan server specified as the hostname. 50256
database Helix Plan database to connect to from Jira. "Company Project"
sdkUser SDK account in the Helix Plan database to use for the integration. "Jira SDK"
sdkPassword Password for the specified sdkUser. "hpmadm"
verbose Enables or disables logging for the integration. We recommend setting this to true to help with troubleshooting any errors. "true"

Example file

// Settings file for Hansoft Jira integration
	"hostname": "localhost",
	"port": 50256,
	"database": "Company project”,
	"sdkUser": "Jira SDK",
	"sdkPassword": "hpmadm",
	"verbose": "true"