Installing the Helix Plan API Service
Follow these steps to install the Helix Plan API service:
1. Install NodeJS
Make sure that you have installed nodejs by running node -v
You can find the LTS version at
2. Create an SDK user
Refer to Adding an SDK user in Helix Plan in the Helix PlanWeb documentation for more information.
3. Download and unzip the Helix Plan API
You can find Helix Plan API at
After you unzip the file you will see a configuration file named config-example.env
Rename the file to ".env
" .
using the GUI. Instead, you should one of the following methods. Using command line:
rename config-example.env .env
Using Powershell:
Rename-Item -Path "config-example.env" -NewName ".env"
Replace the options to point to the correct Hansoft server and SDK user on your environment.
# Helix Plan server connection
database='Company projects'
# SDK user that will connect to Helix Plan
# The API log level
# Set to true to run the SDK in debug mode
# The http port to use for the Helix Plan API server
# The environment the Helix Plan API is running at, can be set to development for extra logging mechanisms
# Auth token validity time in seconds
# OPTIONAL: The data directory where the SDK stores its working data. The default is helix-plan-api-data in the application directory
# OPTIONAL: The local path where Helix Plan documents should be stored. This directory will be used to store temporary files as well as the files in the repository. The default is helix-plan-api-document in the application directory
# OPTIONAL: Set to true to enable a GraphQL client (should be switched on only for development purposes)
4. Install third-party libraries
Before starting the server, run the following in the directory that contains package.json
npm ci --omit=dev --no-audit
This will install all required third-party libraries.
To start the server, run the following in the directory you used in the previous step:
node dist/main
6. Verify that the service has started
If everything works, you should see something similar to this in the logs:
[Hansoft-API] Info 2023-29-02 14:32:37 [SDKService] Hansoft API 11.1.007 SDK started +1s
You have two options for how to check that the service was started successfully:
- You can access this address in a web browser: http://localhost:4000/healthcheck
- If you have enabled the GraphQL Playground (see the end of the config file example above), you can access it to perform tests at http://localhost:4000/graphql
Login example
The following shows a login example:
# Write your query or mutation here
mutation login($loginCredentials:LoginUserInput!){
Query Variables:
"loginCredentials": {
"username": "<username>",
"password": "<password>"
To apply the JWT (JSON Web Token) in other GraphQL requests, add the token in the HTTP HEADERS. For example:
"Authorization": "Bearer <token>"