Setting system variables

Administrators can set the following system variables to control some Helix Plan features that may affect server performance.

You must stop the Helix Plan server before setting system variables and restart it when you finish.
Variable name Use to: Default value

Limit the maximum amount of disk space that can be used for a historical chart before a warning is issued in the dashboard debug log. By default, this limit is set to 500MB, which can be changed by setting this variable globally for the process that executes the Helix Plan server. To disable this warning altogether, set this to 0.

To use this setting, Dashboard Debug must be set to Log to server log.
500 MB
HANSOFT_CHART_MAXMEMORY_MB Limit the maximum memory (in MB) used for dashboard chart calculations. Helps prevent resource depletion on the Helix Plan server. For example, if the limit is set to 750 MB, a single chart cannot use more than 750 MB of memory. Up to three calculations can run at the same time, each not exceeding 750 MB of memory. 750 MB
HANSOFT_CHART_MAXROWCOUNT Limit the number of rows in a result set for a dashboard chart. Helps when generating complex charts or tables. 3000 rows