Setting server security options

You can set security options to control connections from clients to the server, save data in the client computer registry, allow users to manage tokens for authentication, and save password information for Helix Plan Server Administrator clients.

1. In Helix Plan Server Administrator, click Security options in the Server settings area.

The Change server security options dialog box opens.

2. Select any of the following options.

Category Option Select to allow:
Server options Allow insecure connections from out of date SDKs Connections that are not secure from out-of-date SDKs.
Allow out of date clients to upgrade insecurely (Using deprecated SSL versions) Helix Plan clients using an old, deprecated version of SSL to connect to the Helix Plan server and upgrade.
Client options Clients can save login history (database and username) in registry Helix Plan clients to save the Helix Plan database a user logged in to and their username in the registry.
Clients can manage tokens for web client authentication Users to add tokens to use for authentication to the Helix Plan web client and web-based integrations, such as the Helix Plan Helix Core integration. Using a token eliminates the need for the user to enter a username and password each time they access Helix Plan for either an unlimited or specified time period. Tokens are managed in the Helix Plan desktop client. If this option is not selected, users cannot add or manage tokens in Helix Plan.
Server admin client options Server admin clients can save password hashes in registry The Helix Plan Server Administrator client to save password hashes in the system registry.

3. Click OK to save the changes.