Using the server command line — Linux

You can use the command line to manage the Helix Plan server.

Run commands from the HPMServer executable, which is in the directory where the Helix Plan server is installed.

If you are upgrading or installing a new version of Helix Plan, see Installing the Helix Plan server - Linux or Upgrading the Helix Plan server - Linux.


The following command adds the HPMServer to the system as a service named MyServer01.

sudo ./HPMServer -AddService MyServer01


Some commands require root access.
Command Description
-AddService [ServiceName] Adds the current executable to the system as a service.
-AddServiceIfNotAdded [ServiceName] Adds the current executable to the system as a service if one with the same name does not exist.
-RemoveService [ServiceName] Removes the program from the system service list.
-StartService [ServiceName] Starts the service.
-StopService [ServiceName] Stops the service.
-RunAsProgram Runs theHelix Plan server as a usual program in the background.
-Service [ServiceName] Starts the program as a service. Only used by the system.
-BackupAllDatabases [ServiceName] Stops listening for connections, gracefully logs out all users, and then performs a backup of all online databases. After running this command, you must restart the service to accept connections again.
-BackupAndStop [ServiceName] The same as -BackupAllDatabases, but also stops the service after all database backups are finished. Run before upgrades to reset the transaction logs.
-Install [ServiceName] Installs the server interactively in the console.
-Uninstall [ServiceName] Backs up the database, stops the service, and removes the service from the system.
-Upgrade Fixes file permissions after upgrade.
-Version Displays the Helix Plan server version.
-OverridePort [Port] Overrides the port used for the Helix Plan server during the current session.
-CreateConfig [Configuration file] Creates an initial configuration from a text file.

Example: -CreateConfig ServerName ServerAdminPassword ServerPort bCreateDatabase [DatabaseName DatabaseAdminPassword]
-ChangeLicense [License key] Change the license for the specified license key.

-Install commands for non-interactive setup

If you do not want to install Helix Plan interactively (e.g., when using an installation script), you can add the following commands after -install to predefine settings.

Command Description
-ServerName <name > Helix Plan server name.
-ServerHostname <name> Server address the Helix Plan server is accessed from.
-Port <port> Port for the Helix Plan server to use.
-ServerAdminPassword <password> Password for logging in to the Helix Plan server admin client.
-DatabaseName <name Name for the new database created. You can create more databases later.
-DatabaseAdminPassword <password> Password for the 'Administrator' user in the new database. Used to log in to the Helix Plan client and perform administrative actions for the database.
-SMTPServer <server address> SMTP server address for email notifications.
-SMTPPort <port> SMTP server port for email notifications.
-EmailFromName <name> Email address to use as the From address in email notifications.
-EmailFrom <email address> Email address to use as the From address in email notifications.
-EmailSubject <subject> Subject for email notifications.
-EmailToEmail <target address> Email address to send notifications to.
-ServiceName <name> Unique service name.
-RunAsUser <name> User to run the service as. If the username is not already associated with an existing user, Helix Plan will add the user.
-RunAsGroup <name> Group to run the service as. If the group name is not already associated with an existing group, Helix Plan will add the group.
-SDKUser <username>:<password> Create an SDK user

-CreateConfig key-value pairs

The file used for the -CreateConfig command can contain the following key-value pairs.

Key-value pair Description Required or optional
ServerName "[ServerName]" Helix Plan server name. Optional
ServerPassword "[Password]" Password for server administrator. Required.
ServerPort "[Port]" Port the server listens on. Optional
ServiceName "[ServiceName]" Unique name of the service. Optional
DatabaseHostname "[Hostname]" Database hostname. Optional
DatabaseName "[Name]" Database name. Optional
DatabasePassword "[Password]" Password for database administrator. Required.

To configure the server email functionality, the file should also contain the following key-value pairs.

Key-value pair Description
Email_OutgoingServer "[Hostname]" Outgoing email server hostname
Email_FromName "[Name>" Email address to use as the From address in email
EmailSubject "[Subject]" Email subject
EmailToEmail "[Target address]" Email sender name
Email_FromEmail "[Address]" Email sender address
Email_Subject "[Subject]" Email subject
Email_SendTo "[Addresses]" Recipients. Separate multiple addresses with a comma, semicolon, or space.
Email_Authentication "[0/1]" Authentication: 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable
Email_UserName "[Username]" Email username
Email_Password "[Password]" Email password
Email_SecurityProtocol "[0/1/2]" Protocol: 0 = None, 1 = SSL, 2 = TLS
Email_EmailLog "[0/1]" Log outgoing emails: 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable
Email_SendTestEmail "[0/1]" Send test email when starting up: 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable
Email_OutgoingPort "[Port]" Port number

Other useful commands

The following commands may also be useful. The examples use 'HPServer' as the Helix Plan service name.

Example command Description
journalctl -u HPServer.service Accesses the systemd journal. More info
systemctl status HPServer Displays the status of the service. More info


Location Description
HelixPlanServer/Log/ Default Helix Plan server log with all details for the Helix Plan server.
/var/log/messages/ General system activity log that may contain important information when troubleshooting the Helix Plan service.